Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Enahncing file uplaod to cloud storage
Enahncing file uplaod to cloud storage
Enahncing file uplaod to cloud storage
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
List of patient appointments for the coming days. Send SMS, WhatsApp messages or email to your patient to remind them of the appointment
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
- Search for patients by diagnosis
- Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
The ability to control the width and height of the header image, logo image, and signature image for the prescription sheet for better medical practice management when printing the prescription.
- The availability to assign a number to the patient, with a sequence mode
- Searching your patients using appointments or visits using a date range
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Adding time to the visit date
- Displaying patient's age after calulating it from his birthdate
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
Bugs fixed and performance improvement. For better practice management experience
- Fixing the order of medical visits by date
- Fixing sending reports feature
- Add an alternative print method to use in case the main method does not work
- Bugs fixed and performance improvement for better private practice management.
The ability to export the list of allergies and the list of vaccines to excel sheet
- Major improvements in exporting reports to pdf
- The ability to print the prescription and add the logo and signature for better practice management
Save results of Oximeter - Blood Oxygen saturation (SpO2)
Bugs fixed and performance improvement
Bugs fixed and performance improvement
- Cloud storage and sync feature is added
- Improved reports printing
- Autocomplete technique when adding lab tests data
- Autocomplete technique when adding prescription data
- Autocomplete technique when adding radiology title, pathology title and surgery title
- Updating the app to be compliant with the latest version - android 10
- Enhancing handling attaching images
bug fixed and performance improvement
- The ability to Store new doctor when adding medical data
- The ability to Store new medical place when adding medical data
- Fixing the error when attaching images from Gallery
- Enhancements on backup feature.
Family Medical history feature was added
- The medical places were added
- Enhancing the Exporting data feature
The ability to track Surgeries was added
bug fixed and performance improvement
- The way to enter the patient birthdate was Changed to be easier.
- The way to enter the date of medical visit and medical appointment was changed to be easier.
- Backup and restoring data has been updated to meet the latest Google recommendations
- Add inches and foot to the patient height measurement unit
- bug fixed and performance improvement
- The availability to add separate drugs prescriptions for the same day
- bug fixed and performance improvement
bug fixed and performance improvement
- Adding blood type
- Adding your health insurance number and your health insurance card image
Print and email reports have been added under the Medical History tab
Fixed the way reports appear in an unclear font
bug fixed and performance improvement
bug fixed and performance improvement
bug fixed and performance improvement
bug fixed and performance improvement
Blood Sugar (Blood glucose) measurement. Get Reports and charts of the results
Displaying patients list by medical appointment or medical visits
Adding or attaching, printing, sending Pathology report
- You can add doctor to medical data. Visit his place using Google maps. Call him. Send email...
Improving Examination: Symptoms, Vaccines, Allergy and Diagnosis
- Improving the medical appointments notifications
- Updating the backup service to comply with the latest Google platforms
- Reaching Medical data screen faster
- Notes become optional if you attached a report
- Birth date became optional
- Adding: Symptoms, Vaccines, Allergy, Diagnosis. with autocomplete of the data
- Now: App is available in Portuguese and Turkish
- optimizing backup service on "android" 8.0 (Oreo)
- optimizing backup service on "android" 8.0 (Oreo)
- Performance enhancement for latest "android" 8.0 (Oreo)
- Capability to assign a unique number to the patient
- Search patient by Name, ID, Number, Phone
- Filter data of Radiology, Appointments, Lab tests, Prescription and blood pressure by date
- Performance enhancement for latest "android" 8.0 (Oreo)
- Capability to assign a unique number to the patient
- Search patient by Name, ID, Number, Phone
- Filter data of Radiology, Appointments, Lab tests, Prescription and blood pressure by date
- Blood pressure measurement. Get Reports and charts of the results
- 50% discount on Backup service
Adding alarms and notifications to appointments
Performance enhancement
Searching the Medical history data by date
send data to your doctor or your patient
Bug fixedBackup data to google Drive and to your device are merged in one feature.
Bug fixedBackup data to google Drive and to your device are merged in one feature.
Bug fixedBackup data to google Drive and to your device are merged in one feature.
Backup database and files on your device memoryBackup database and files on your Google Drive account
Backup database and files on your device memoryBackup database and files on your Google Drive account
Backup database and files on your device memory
bug fixed and performance improvement
bug fixed and performance improvement
bug fixed and performance improvement
bug fixed and performance improvement
bug fixed and performance improvement
bug fixed and performance improvement
Capability of adding medical data without adding medical visit
Enhanced Login ModuleBug Fixed